Monday 17 September 2007

Pictures to be repaired or restored

Here is one black and white picture - see what you can do to improve/restore it, and send the "after" shot to Igno before our next meeting (October 3 - 18:00 - 19:30)

You can also repair any other photo and send the before and after shots - I will then post them here for all the others to see!
See you then - it will be an open session of questions, answers, suggestions and fun - all with the aim of improving our skills in restoring old photographs!
Here are links to some free Photoshop stuff!

Thursday 26 July 2007

Lightroom Night

Hi All
First to all of those who attended the Lightroom evening - thanks so much! The neighbours thought their was a funeral at my house, as we had 22 attendees!
I hope that you are finding working with Ligthroom as inspiring as I am! It is really supercool.
With regards to the question we had on printing, (if you have created a really nice document in the print dialogue and you want to send it to someone who does not have Lightroom), I think the best option would be to go from the print dialogue, where you create your "output" file, and then, if possible print to a pdf file, which the person may be able to open. I will enquire some more as well!
I was also asked about photography courses on the web (Bianca). A very nice (AND FREE) one can be found at:
You will find 10 lessons, explaining some really timeless concepts!

Tuesday 17 July 2007

Adobe Lightroom - The Experience

Hi all
On Tuesday 24th of July we will be looking at Adobe's Photoshop Lightroom. This is a killer!!
Initially I thought it would be aaahh wellll...somewhat helpful....Now I cannot live without it!!!
Just to whet your appetite, have a look at the following sites before we get together:
Obviously - Adobe is the first place to start - there are some great ideas as to why, where and when you should be using Ligthroom.
Then, there is Matt Kloskowski's Ligthroom Killer Tips:
On Matt's site, you find short video's on Lightroom - you can also subscribe to his free weekly podcast on Lightroom...
Matt is one of the NAPP guys - and, like always NAPP has some stunning tutorials!! Some of them are for free on the NAPP website (if you are a member, they are all for free!) Check out NAPP at
Free Lightroom tutorials can also be found at:
As you can see - there is a host of great places to find the Light (room)!!! But next week - we'll be Lightrooming live in Bloem! See you there!!!

Thursday 5 July 2007

18 June: Phostoshop CS3

On 18 June we had our first meeting. We discussed everything that was new in Photoshop CS3. We also decided that we want the meetings to be in workshop format. A friendly sandbox environment where everybody can ask, share and show things that they learnt. Many ideas were discussed and Charles Whitehead mentioned a technique he had seen where, with one drag of the mouse, a picture could be altered. Well, Charles has done his research and here is what it was all about...(Thanks, Charles)...
You can go to: Images>Adjust>Black and White
Then you click anywhere on the photo.
A scrubby slider will appear
If you drag to the right, exposure will increase and if you drag to the left, it will decrease.
Well, have some fun! I have not played with it yet.
We will be having our next meeting on 24 July and there we will be doing a live shoot with Lightroom! I will announce the venue in a follow up e-mail!
The next view months, I am looking at covering the following:
August: Restoring old Photographs - I will be getting some old photographs from the War Museum and we will play with that.
I am also planning a photo-safari in Rosendal for the first weekend in August and will keep you posted!
September: We will be looking at Scrapbooking Ideas with Photoshop. We hope to get a lot of scrapbookers involved...
October: We will be looking at Scott Kelby's book on Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers - most of the evening will be spent on finetuning workflowprocesses...
November: The evening will be spent creating, sharing and mindstorming templates for christmas cards and calenders, using Photoshop
December: Early in December we will be celebrating the end of the year with a session on "How to be creative without anyone knowing - fine tuning with Photoshop!", as well as "Getting your pictures on the web!
I will be sharing the specific dates once the venues are finalized - but the great news is that we might soon be using a venue with computers so we can actually practise what we're learning! Watch this space...
For now, if you have not bought Lightroom yet - DO IT NOW - It's one of the greatest investments in your photography!
And lastly, here are some nice places to visit:

Thursday 3 May 2007

A fantastic Start

Dreamagineers is a company with the incredible mission of making whatever you present better! Whether you are a photographer, a lecturer, a salesperson...we all present most of the time!
This is the starting of the Dreamagineers Adobe User group in Bloem, and for the sake of history, Igno van Niekerk has written down his thoughts, this can be looked back on a year from now - and hopefully his dream will have outgrown its initial roots!

So, as I am sitting here, I have possibility to work with! Only the possibility! This is the beginning of Adobe in Bloem. I have a database of keen photographers and the incredible ADOBE brand. Today Ed Sullivan asked me to apply to create an ADOBE user group in Bloemfontein.
Shortly this blog will be the informal communication medium for a group of keen ADOBE users. We will be starting with ADOBE's support and our mission will be to have 50 users on a regular basis after the next calender year.
We will start with Photoshop and then gradually move to discussions on and sharing the excitement of ADOBE's other products. If anybody has any suggestions, please let me know. For now - I have nothing but excitement. And that is always the way to a fantastic start!

Want to really know Photoshop? Join NAPP!

Where everyone learns Photoshop - National Association of Photoshop Professionals